Earhart Village Homes Association
Electrical Vehicle Charging Policy
(Adopted July 18, 2013)
1. Any Co-owner wishing to charge an electrically powered motor vehicle must first submit a Co-owner’s Modification and Alteration Permit requesting to do so prior to any modification or alteration to any general or limited common element; or actually charging any electrically powered motor vehicle, and obtain the prior written consent of the Association before doing so.
2. At no time shall any Co-owner charge an electrically powered motor vehicle on a circuit or system which provides electrical service which is paid for by Association funds or is responsibility of the Association for payment.
3. All modifications or alterations to the general common element or limited common elements to accommodate the electrical charging of a motor vehicle shall be completed by contractors that are authorized to perform such modifications or alterations, but only after obtaining all necessary municipal and Association permits, providing proof that such contractor holds proper licenses and proof that such contractor holds adequate insurance to do so.
4. All costs, whether known or unknown, including metered or unmetered power costs, shall be borne by the Co-owner wishing to modify or alter any general or limited common element for the purpose of electrically charging any motor vehicle.