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2004 Amendment to the Consolidated Master Deed




Earhart Village Homes Association, a Michigan non-profit corporation,

of 27780 Novi Road, Suite 110, Novi, Michigan 48377, being the

administrator of Earhart Village Homes, a condominium project established

in pursuance of the provisions of the Michigan Condominium Act, as amended

(being Act 59 of the Public Acts of 1978, as amended), and of the Amended

Consolidated Master Deed thereof, as recorded on March 25, 1994, in Liber

2954, Page 925 through 983, inclusive, Washtenaw County Records, and known

as Washtenaw County Condominium Subdivision Plan No. II, hereby amends the

Condominium By-Laws attached to said Amended Consolidated Master Deed, as

Exhibit A, pursuant to the authority reserved in Article VIII of said

Condominium By-Laws, and with the approval of a majority of the Board of

Directors, following the solicitation of comments from the co-owners, for

the purpose of amending Section 4 of Article V of said Condominium By-Laws

to eliminate reference to responsibility by co-owners for the deductible

amount of any damage covered by insurance held by the Association. Said

Condominium By-Laws are amended in the following manner:


1. Upon recording of this First Amendment to the Amended

Consolidated Master Deed in the Office of the Washtenaw County Register of

Deeds, the following Section 4 of Article V of the Condominium By-Laws

attached to the Amended Consolidated Master Deed as Exhibit A shall replace

and supersede the original Section 4 of Article V of said Condominium By-

Laws, and said Section as originally recorded shall have no further force

or effect:


Article V.

Reconstruction or Repair


Section 4. Each co-owner shall be responsible for the reconstruction,

repair and maintenance of the interior of his/her condominium unit, including,

but not limited to, floor coverings, wall coverings, window shades, draperies,

interior nonload-bearing walls (but not any common elements therein), walls

contained wholly within the unit, and pipes, wires, conduits, and ducts therein

(after connection with fixtures), interior trim, furniture, light fixtures, and all

appliances and equipment, whether freestanding or built-in. Damage to interior

walls within a co-owner's unit or to pipes, wires, conduits, ducts, or other common

elements therein is covered by insurance held by the Association, and the

reconstruction or repair shall be the responsibility of the Association in

accordance with Section 8. If any other interior portion of a unit is

covered by insurance held by the Association for the benefit of the

co-owner, the co-owner shall be entitIed to receive the proceeds of

insurance relative to it. If there is a mortgage endorsement, the proceeds

shall be payable to the co-owner and the mortgage holder jointly. In the

event of substantial damage to or destruction of any unit or any part of

the common elements, the Association shall promptly so notify each

institutional holder of a first mortgage lien on any condominium unit in

the Condominium. The Association shall have a lien for any funds advanced

on behalf of any co-owner.


In all other respects, other than as hereinbefore indicated, the

original Amended Consolidated Master Deed of Earhart Village Homes, a

condominium, including all Exhibits attached thereto, recorded as

aforesaid, is hereby ratified, confirmed and redeclared.


Dated: April 28, 2004



Michigan non-profit corporation

By  Paul Duemler, President




On ,2004, Paul Duemler appeared before me, and stated under oath that he is the President of Earhart Village Homes Association, a Michigan non-profit corporation, and that this document was signed on behalf of the corporation, by authority of its board of directors, and he acknowledged this document to be the free act and deed of the corporation.




Debra L Burns, Notary

                                      Lenawee County, Michigan

Acting in Washtenaw County

My commission expires: 9/26/05



This document prepared by and

when recorded return to:

Karl R. Frankena (P13641)

Conlin, McKenney & Philbrick,

350 S. Main Street, Suite 400

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-2131

(734) 761-9000


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