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General Policies



Overview of Policies and Guidelines


1.     Addendum to Lease Required

An addendum to any and all leases between co-owner and lessee will be required in the form presented by the EVHA Board. A copy of the fully executed lease and addendum shall be filed with the Association.


2.     Trash Collection/Storage

Tuesday morning is garbage collection day, unless preceded by a holiday, in which case collection is one day later. All trash shall be contained in acceptable receptacles or trash bags pending placement at curbside and stored in the garage, or dwelling. Trash shall not be placed  outside until the morning of collection. Multi-use containers shall be removed from curbside the day of trash collection.


3.     Pets

No animal, except one dog or two cats or one dog and one cat, none of which shall exceed 35 pounds in weight, shall be kept by any co-owner or non co-owner. Dogs and cats must be leashed at all times when outdoors, and animal feces must be removed by owners.


4.     Modifications/Landscaping

Before making interior or exterior building/landscape modifications, you must obtain approval from the Architectural Committee. Additional landscaping must be approved by the Landscape Committee. Plans should be submitted and approved prior to planting.


5.     Maintenance and Repairs

Certain repairs and maintenance are provided by the Association. The Maintenance Matrix lists most of the items requiring repair or maintenance and indicates whose responsibility it is.  For further clarification or to request Association Repair/Maintenance - Contact the Operations Manager


6.     Restrictions (See Master Deed & By-Laws for complete details)


-        The common elements, limited or general, shall not be used for storage of supplies, materials, personal property, or trash or refuse of any kind, except in enclosed garages.


-        In general, no activity shall be carried on, nor condition maintained, by a co­-owner, non co-owner, or invitee, either in his apartment or upon the common elements which spoils the appearance of the Condominium.


-        Sidewalks, yards, landscaped areas, driveways, roads, parking areas,  porches, hallways, stain, and lobbies shall not be obstructed in any way nor shall they be used for purposes other than for which they are reasonably and obviously intended. No bicycles, vehicles, chairs, or benches may be left unattended on or about the common elements.


-        No house trailers, commercial vehicles, boat trailers, boats, camping vehicles,   camping trailers, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailers or vehicles other than  automobiles may be parked or stored upon the premises of the Condominium, unless stored fully enclosed within a garage or parked in an area specifically designated  therefore by the Association.


-        No co-owner shall use, or permit the use by any occupant, agent, employee, invitee, guest or member of his family of any firearms, air rifles and pellet guns. B-B guns, bows and arrow or other similar dangerous weapons, projections or devices anywhere on or about the Condominium premises.


-        Lakes and decorative pools in the development shall be for ornamental purposes only and shall not be utilized for swimming, bathing, wading, boating, fishing, sailing, ice skating, or other purposes


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